Computational and Theoretical Fluid Dynamics (CTFD) Division has been involved in providing important support to many of the ongoing national aerospace programs. CTFD is also providing support to many of the strategic programs. The Division derives its strength in simulation of complex flows with an array of tools consisting of in-house developed, open source and commercial tools.
Division has developed several in-house codes suitable for aerodynamic applications at different levels of approximation. The Steady/Unsteady Panel codes are used as quick aerodynamic estimation tools. IMPRANS and MB-EURANIAM are In-house developed Multi-block structured grid RANS solvers for compressible flows while PURLES is an in-house incompressible RANS solver. A small group in the division is also involved in the theoretical studies in fluid dynamics.
Division has developed capability for aircraft propeller Power-on simulations. An In-house developed BEM (Blade Element Method) code has been integrated with an open source RANS solver SU2. The expertise has been developed based on SU2 solver for full aircraft configuration studies, control power simulations, hinge-moments estimations, structural loads generation, ground effects studies, pilot bailout studies etc.
An in-house developed Euler code based on mesh free method is widely used for several aerospace applications. This mesh free method is based on the least squares kinetic upwind method. The mesh free code has been successfully applied for various complex applications involving multi moving components. A store separation suite consisting of mesh free solver, 6 DOF dynamic solver and a pre-processor for point cloud generation has been developed.
The division is using commercial tools NUMECA and Fluent for aerodynamic simulations and shape optimization studies.
We have also developed significant expertise in aerodynamic optimization. Various open source - commercial - In house tools are being used for several ongoing aircraft programmes.