Enhanced and Synthetic Vision System
Development of Enhanced Synthetic Vision System (ESVS) for transport aircraft is one of the major activities initiated by Multi Sensor Data Fusion (MSDF) group of FMCD under 12th five year plan. The objective of ESVS is to eliminate or reduce poor visibility induced aircraft accidents and enhance operational capabilities of aircraft with safety and pilot situation awareness (SA) improvements. The ESVS concept is to provide the pilot an unobstructed out of the cockpit window view through the display of computer-generated imagery derived from an onboard database of terrain, obstacle, and airport information and enhanced with weather penetrating imaging sensors. Thus ESVS is a combination of “Sensor Vision” and “Synthetic Vision”. The former presents the fused image of infrared (IR) imaging sensors of different spectral bands and electro optic (EO) imaging sensors and is called enhanced vision system (EVS). The latter generates a rendered image of the external scene from the perspective of the flight deck derived from aircraft attitude and high precision navigation solution using database of terrain, obstacles and relevant cultural features and is called synthetic vision system (SVS). The perspective images from the vision sensors and the synthetic images will be fused and presented to the pilot on a head-up-display or head-down-display (HUD/HDD).
MSDF group has developed a ESVS flight simulator to carryout research and develop ESVS operational concepts. Team has developed enhanced vision system (EVS) hardware prototype, data acquisition system to acquire EVS sensors image data in time synch with aircraft navigation data and carried out field trails and flight experiments on HANSA research aircraft. In the next phase team has plans to integrate this system (both EVS and SVS) on HANSA-NG and later on SARAS aircraft along with head-up-display (HUD) and carry out flight experiments.
- Infrared based EVS. EVS sensors include longwave infrared and low light CMOS camera.
- Data acquisition system to acquire EVS sensors image data in time synch with aircraft navigation data for playback data on ESVS simulator
- Distributed PC based flight simulator for ESVS research and concept studies
- Simulator has capability to simulate image of Infrared sensors (8 to 14 mm longwave infrared, 3 to 5 mm mid wave infrared, 1.2 to 1.7 mm shortwave infrared and 0.9 to 1.1 mm near infrared) and Electro-optic sensor under different visibility and ambient conditions.
- Simulation and fusion of EVS and SVS visuals with flight symbology
- HUD symbology simulation specific to ESVS operations
Facilities where this technique is used:
F1: ESVS flight simulator
Major mile stones / results of this technique:
EVS hardware prototype with data acquisition system and flight experiments on HANSA
ESVS flight simulator to study ESVS operational concepts and pilot evaluation.