Adaptive Antenna Facility
This adaptive antenna facility has been established under National Facility Creation Project of CSIR 11th Five Year Plan. The objective was towards design, simulation and measurements of adaptive antennas for aerospace applications.
The installation and commissioning of Integrated Adaptive Antenna System has been done in Building 3-CB (CSIR 11th FYP National Facilities) during March 12th-22nd, 2012. Certification of the Integrated Adaptive Antenna System by third party consultant was carried out on 22nd March 2012.
This certified experimental facility is one of its kind test-bed (X-band) for adaptive array. The Simulation Lab. complements the measurement facility. The facility enables actual hardware development for strategic applications. Both indoor and outdoor measurements are possible.
An ISO-certified national facility
Simulation Centre
Development of adaptive algorithms
Performance analysis of adaptive array
Measurement Setup
Test-bed for adaptive algorithms
Contemporary design of adaptive array
X-band receiving module with 16´16 phased array
An integrated adaptive array system capable of
Controlled electronic beam scanning
Estimation of DoA, frequency, power of the emitters
Maintenance of sufficient gain towards desired directions
Suppression of interfering signals
Techniques applied in this facility:
Adaptive algorithms developed for pattern synthesis, probe suppression, null placement can be tested.
Major clients of this facility:
Defence labs
Research labs
Private industries