Radar Cross Section Estimation and Analysis: High Frequency- based Methods
The RCS estimation and analysis of different canonical and hybrid shapes has been carried out with the help of surface modeling, ray tracing, and methods like physical optics (PO), physical theory of diffraction (PTD), geometrical optics (GO), geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD), uniform theory of diffraction (UTD), and method of equivalent currents. The RCS estimation involves analytical formulation, application of appropriate boundary conditions, software code development, simulations and analysis. The structures can be conducting or coated conducting ones.
- Conducting electrically-large structures
- Coated structures
- Dielectric coating
- Metamaterial coating
Facilities where this technique is used: DRDO labs
Major mile stones / results of this technique:
- Ph.D. Dissertation
Hema Singh, Radar Cross-section of Some Simple and Complex Shapes, Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Electronics Engineering, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University (IT-BHU), Varanasi, India, Feb. 2000.
- Software Copyright
- CSIR-NAL Estimation of Radar Cross Section of Simple and Hybrid Shapes Code (S/w Code Ref.: 022/CR/2013; Registration No.: SW-7484/2013)
- Indigenously developed software codes for RCS estimation of conducting structures using GTD, UTD, PO, PTD, Method of Equivalent Currents etc.