EM Performance Analysis of Airborne Radomes
CSIR-NAL Bangalore has delivered several airborne radomes for various national programs during the past thirty years. CSIR-NAL team (comprising of CEM, MT, CSMST, STTD, and APMF divisions) has contributed significantly to the design and development of Fire Control Radar (FCR) radome for Jaguar aircraft, Astra missile radome, nosecone radome for Saras aircraft etc. Novel EM designs like variable thickness radome (VTR) and hybrid VTR have been developed as part of the above mentioned projects.
CEM team at CSIR-NAL has capability to design radomes for following purposes;
- Streamline nose cone radome for FCR systems (for MSA & AESA radar)
- Belly mounted airborne platforms
- Passenger aircraft for Doppler weather radar antenna systems
Major milestones / results of this technique:
Certified airborne radomes design and developed at CSIR-NAL;